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Brief of the Turkmen Publications 1869-2000

The interest of Iraqi Turkmen in press and publication was started early in the last decades of Ottoman Empire. The governor of Kerkuk State Fevzi Pasha had built a printing house in 1897. At that time almost all the Publications in Iraq were written in Turkmen and Arabic. While all the publications in Kerkuk city were produced only in Turkmen. In spite of this early start, the Turkmen publications in the following decades were largely scanty. This can be attributed to the assimilation policies that the Turkmen are facing in Iraq from beginning of the last century.

The following are the publications, which were produced in both Arabic and Turkmen in Baghdad, Mosul and Basra.

In Baghdad

“El-Zawra” was the first newspaper, which published in Iraq at 6 August 1869. It was written in Turkmen and Arabic.

“Kilinç*” (Sword) newspaper was published by parliamentarian Mr. Huseyn Fevzi in 31 December 1909.

“Yildirim*” (Thunderbolt) was published for the first time in 9 January 1910.

“Afkari Umumiye” (General Ideas) was published by Mr. Hüseyin Avni and Mrs. Nüzhet Kamil in 11 April 1911.

“Yeni Moda*” (New Model) was published for the first time in 4 May 1911.

“Maarif and Tombala” was published for the first time in 1 August 1912

“Muktesebat” was published for the first time in 1 may 1914

“Mektep*” was published for the first time in 1914.

“Cihat” Magazine was published in Turkmen by Mr. Osman İzzet in 1915.

In Mosul

“Nineva” was published for the first time in 15 July 1909 by Mr. Omer Fevzi.

“Ottoman Agency” was produced in 1914 and constituted from 4 pages.

“Cenbaz*” was weekly newspaper and published for the first time in 27 June 1911.

In Basra

“Ati” (future) newspaper formed from 4 pages.

The Turkmen intellectuals produced many publications only in Turkmen. As part of the assimilation policies, which started during the monarchy period, the publications were enforced to be written in both Turkmen and Arabic. During the last few decades and with the intensification of assimilation policies and violation of Turkmen Human Rights, the publications started to be written only in Arabic.

“Havadis” (Events) was the first newspaper produced in Kerkuk State in 1909 and published only in Turkmen. It was published only in Turkmen in 1909. Havadis had treated mainly the daily events, agricultural and economical subjects. The director was Mr. Mehmet Zeki and the editor Mr. Ahmet Medeni. This newspaper had been stopped to publish in 1918 when English occupied Iraq.

“Maarif” (Knowlwdges) was a literary and scientific periodical, which the first copy was published in 11 April 1913 and constituted from 8 papers. The owners were Mr. Ahmet Medeni and Mr. Seyid Mehmet Cevat. It was produced one time in every 15 days.

“Kevkeb Maarif” (Knowledge Stare) periodical was published by the National Defence Association. The first edition appeared in 16 January 1916. The goal of this journal was the same as the association: stimulation of the people to resist the occupation of Iraq by British army. This periodical published in the following fields: politics, literary, agriculture, social and economic.

“Necme” (Stare) newspaper was published by the British Administration in Turkmen and Arabic to rival the Turkmen Publications. The name of this newspaper was changed in to Kerkuk and continued for 9 years. The aim of this publication was to support the government and the British Administration policies. The first edition was published in 15 December 1918.

“Teceddud” (Renewal) was published for the first time in 20 November 1920 by Mr. Ahmet Medeni (the owner), the editor was Mr. Saadi Efendi and the director was Mr. Hamdi Avci. This newspaper was appearing weekly and 4 issues were published.

“Kerkuk” newspaper was from the long survived publications of Iraqi Turkmen, which lasted for 47 years. It was weekly published and the first edition appeared in 15 November 1926. More than 2000 editions were produced. Mr. Vecdi Efendi had directed Kerkuk newspaper until 31 May 1927. In 1 July 1927, the famous Turkmen poet and writer Mr. Dede* Hicri had received the responsibility of publication. Mr. Abdurrahman Bekir was the third editor of this newspaper until he won the election of Kerkuk city Mayor in 1929. From 1929 until 1959, Kerkuk newspaper was produced by the press house of Kerkuk municipality and under the direction of Mr. Yakub Cemal. During the negotiation over the Mosul governorate between Turkey and English the editor of newspaper Mr. Yakub Cemil had been exiled because of supporting the Turkish right in Musol state. Later, Mr. Necdet Demirci received the responsibility of the production until 15 December 1973. Kerkuk was a literary newspaper. In 1959, after the Kerkuk Massacre and under pressure of the ruling authorities the newspaper name was changed to “Gavurbagi*” for few years. Later, it regained the former name when the new authorities ruled Iraq. In the last years with intensification of the assimilation policy against Turkmen the newspaper had been published only in Arabic.

“İleri” (Forward) was published for the first time in 1935. The owner was Mr. Bekir Sidki, the director the lawyer Re§ad Arif and the editor Mr. fehmi Arab Mustafa. It was published two times per week. İleri had a Turkish nationality policy that exposed the personnel to persecution. Therefore, its survival was short.

From 1951, the Iraqi Turkmen students in Turkey started to publish a yearly calendar under title “Kerkuk” . These calendars were produced in many designs. For example: a pocketbook, wall calendar and bureau calendar. Each calendar was containing few poems (Hoyrat) and views from Kerkuk City.

“Afak” (Horizon) was a weekly newspaper and produced by Mr. §akir Hürmüzlü. The editor was the Lawyer Husameddin Salihi. The first edition appeared in 8 May 1954. This newspaper was closed after Kerkuk massacre in 1959.

“Be§ir”, which means massager, was a weekly newspaper produced by Mr. Mehmet Emin Asri and the Lawyer Mehmet Haci Izzet. The editor was the Lawyer Ata Terziba§i. The first edition appeared with 16 pages in 23 September 1958. Be§ir was closed under the pressure of the political authorities in 1959. In a period of 7 months 26 issues were published. The name of this newspaper was taken from the name of a town in Kerkuk governorate. Later, this town had been destroyed by the present regime.

The Turkmen Brotherhood Club in Baghdad is publishing “Karda§lik*” (Brotherhood) journal. The first edition was produced in 1 May 1961. The publications of this journal are in the following fields: literary, culture, social, sport and folklore. Later, Bath party authorities occupied this journal and the Turkmen Brotherhood Club. The edition right was given to the staffs from the mentioned party. The personnel of Karda§lik journal and the club were martyrized in January 1980.

“Milli Adetler Mecmuasi” gazette, which means Poular Culture appeared for the first time in the early 1960s. Some 160 pages was published in Turkish and Arabic, which become very popular.

The owner §akir Sabir Zabit and editor Hakki Ismail Beyatli had published “Iraq” newspaper in 21 May 1966 in Baghdad. This newspaper could resist the suppression of political authorities for only 1,5 years after publishing 66 issues.

The pro-Bath party people are producing under the direction of Mr. Benderoglu the “Yurd*” (Homeland) newspaper in Baghdad from 18 June 1970.

The Iraqi National Turkmen Party (ITNP) publishes “Doguş” (emergence) newspaper from 15 Augustus 1991. Being produced in the north of Iraq, the area above 32nd parallel and is under protection of the international forces, it is away from suppression of the Iraqi regime. The Iraqi Turkmen National party had published tens of books, booklets, folders, and brochures. For example: “Human Rights and Iraqi Turkmen”, “The report of ITNP over the violation of Human Rights in Iraq” , “News bulletin” and Communiqués.

The Turkmeneli Party was publishing the newspaper “Turkmeneli” from 15 January 1994. At the time being it appears 4 times monthly and under the direction of Iraqi Turkmen Front.

Mr. I. Kerkuk published “Fuzuli” periodical in 4 issues in Istanbul form 1958-1959. After 28 year and by the same owner another 7 issues of “Fuzuli” periodical were published in 1987 and 1988. The owner of this periodical, who is from the founders of Kerkuk Foundation in 1977, is publishing the periodical “Kardaşlık” from 1999 in Istanbul. This periodical includes 100 pages. The editor and the general manager of this periodical is the Assistant Professor Historian S. saatçi. This journal is treating cultural, literary, art and Turkmen folklore subjects.

The head office of Iraqi Turks cultural and Solidarity Association in Istanbul produced a publication in May 1971, which did not survive for long time, under the name “Bulletin of Iraqi Turks”. Ankara department of the same association has published another periodical with the same name in 1 October 1990, which after the first issue the name changed to “Kerkuk” periodical is still published by the same association, which is coordinated by Associated Professor E. Pamukcu. It is a political and literary journal. The same department had published another journal with the name “Mosul” from 1992 until 1994. İzmir department started publishing from 1996 a literary and political Bulletin named “Turkmen”. The editor is the Lawyer H. Hürmüzlü. The departments of this association are publishing from time to time folders and brochures like the booklet “Iraqi Turks” . by the lawyer E. Hürmüzlü.

Many sort publications are produced in the other countries of the world. “El-Delil” newspaper is published in Damascus from 15 April 1991, Syria, by Islamic Union organization. The Iraqi Turkmen Association in Canada is producing the bulletin “Turkmen”. The Iraqi Turkmen Association in Vasteras, Sweden published an important booklet “Fate of Iraqi Turkmen”. The Iraqi Turkmen Association of Mönchengladbach published “The Album of Iraqi Turkmen Martyrs” in 1993.
“Uzaktan Geliyorum” (I am coming from faraway) is the name of poesy book for the known Turkmen poet Salah Nevres.

The Iraqi Turkmen Front organizations are publishing yearly a lot of brochures, folders, bulliten and other publications.

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