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Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen withExecutive Authorities)

Below is the text of memorandum of claim regarding (representation of
Turkmen to the executive authorities) :
“First: as: Iraq is a multi-national, religious, and doctrinal country) as stated in
Article (3) of Iraqi Constitution.
Second: And to be Turkmen component of Iraq’s basic components based on
the decision of the Iraqi Council of Representatives No. (8) for the year 2012.
Thirdly: And to be Iraq is a multi-national, multi-religious and denominational
country in accordance with article 14 of the Constitution. Since citizens have
The Castle Human القلعة منظمة
لحقوق اإلنسان Organization Rights
)منظمة غير حكومية) NGO
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)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
right to participate in public affairs and to enjoy political rights, including the
right to vote.
Fourth: In response to the recommendations of United Nations International
Committee of United Nations in Geneva, which is responsible for following up
the obligations of States to International Convention on Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination, in accordance with the recommendations
issued at Geneva on 22 September 2014, including (D / E / A) For all,
representing various political and ethnic-religious groups in Iraq, including
women, and to take effective measures to rebuild trust between ethnic and
religious minorities and the central authority while ensuring the real
involvement and representation of all groups concerned). Article 5 (c)
Mechanism for the elimination of forms of racial discrimination, especially the
enjoyment of political rights “and of which contribute to governance and
management of public affairs at all levels, and to assume public office on an
equal footing”.
Fifth: Since the Turkmen have made great sacrifices throughout history in
defense of the sovereignty of Iraq and its unity of land and people. As a result,
they have paid a heavy price of life, money and property. Since that time, 9076
martyrs have been killed, 15118 wounded and disabled, (120) children and (450)
women and (630) men, has reached the Turkmen sacrifices culminated after the
)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
extension of “Daash” terrorist organization influence in some areas in Iraq in
June 2014, when the Turkmen found themselves in the face of all the serious
consequences caused by “Daash” terrorist organization, where the Turkmen
were a direct target of “Daash” terrorist organization , and were forced to
migrate their areas and their cities and villages, which were under the control of
“Daash” terrorist organization or under its influence in the forefront of these
areas come Telafar, Mosul, Kirkuk, Tuzkhurmatu and Diyala, and states that at
least (600) thousand Turkmen have become refugees as a result of the control of
“Daash” terrorist organization on their regions and cities and villages,
Turkmen to the southern regions of Iraq such as Najaf, Karbala and Hilla,
while some were driven to Dohuk and Erbil in northern Iraq and others
resorted to outside of Iraq. Thus, the Turkmen became a vulnerable minority
in the areas they fled to, and in the areas where they sought refuge from social
life. A sense of alienation They have addressed the problems of unemployment
and the denial of education in the areas they went to, which led some of their
youth to resort to suicide because of their sense of psychological frustration and
social despair. On the other hand, despite the end of the control of of “Daash”
terrorist organization but the majority of the Turkmen displaced who lived in
areas such as Telafar and parties of Tuzhurmatu were unable to return to their
homes. In addition to the sacrifices made by the Turkmen through the
)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
martyrdom of (213) Turkmen elements and wounding of (510) different
elements participated in the popular formations (Turkmen force), in addition to
martyrdom (485) and wounding of (678) Turkmen element in the rest of the
formation security forces during the liberation or combing of areas from the
control of “Daash” terrorist organization.
Sixth: The failure to represent the Turkmen in the new Iraqi government, who
have 10 deputies in new Iraqi parliament, will undoubtedly cast a dark shadow
on national unity and a great breach in the wall of civil peace, this unfair step
clearly means that Turkmen are subjected to total disregard and deliberate
exclusion and marginalization intended.
Seventh: Given that the parliamentary elections held on May 12, 2018 were the
first elections that took place after the completion of the organization of
“Daash” terrorist organization, and since the Turkmen component, which is
one of the most affected by the practice of “Daash” terrorist organization, The
marginalization of this third core component of Iraq’s decision-making centers
and the stripping of its political rights will undermine our efforts to build a
comprehensive Iraqi national reconciliation, especially in the liberated areas of
the organization.
Eighth: In the parliamentary elections held on 12 May 2018, 204 parties and 27
coalitions participated. For the first time in Iraq, political forces representing
)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
different sects and nationalities entered into unified lists, while the Turkmen
participated for the first time in the elections in Kirkuk with one list, Under the
various coalitions in the provinces of Nineveh, Salahuddin, Diyala and
Baghdad, and was elected 10 deputies, including three representatives of the
“Kirkuk Turkmen Front ” from the Kirkuk province and rest of deputies from
different lists of other provinces, who agreed to nominate a Turkmen figure for
post of Vice President and other Turkmen for post of ministerial cabinet
through a joint document signed by eight of these deputies, and despite the
handover of the presidency and presidency of ministers and all the political
blocs a copy of that document three months ago, but has not yet responded
positively to that document and show approval for nomination of those figures,
agreement and prior agreement by Turkmen parliamentary bloc.
Ninth: The non-representation of Turkmen in ministerial cabinet so far does
not serve the unity and integrity of Iraq, and it refutes allegations that Iraq is a
country of equality and democracy, and will make Turkmen citizens lose their
sense of the concept of Iraqi citizenship over time, and representation of all
components of Iraq and even minorities in the Cabinet Without the Turkmen,
who constitute a third nation according to the Iraqi constitution, such behavior
creates a situation that contradicts the principle of equal rights and duties
)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
stipulated by the Iraqi constitution and adopted by international covenants and
Tenth: The non-representation of Turkmen who won ten parliamentary seats
in the Iraqi parliament casts a shadow on the credibility of democratic system in
Iraq, and leads to exclusion of Turkmen from the government decision which is
a national entitlement and electoral constitutional right, and thus Turkmen who
represent the most affected by either defending their Unity and sovereignty of
Iraq or post-urging, they are at the same time exposed to exclusion from
political process, despite the announcement of eight of Turkmen
parliamentarians and through a joint document signed by them for taking a
joint step on submission of a joint candidate for cabinet and passed another
subscriber to post of presidency.
Following foregoing of important observations in ten points mentioned above
regarding the marginalization of Turkmen with the executive authorities, we
are in sense of achieving fair representation of Turkmen in the ministerial
cabinet as an electoral and national benefit, in order to realize right and achieve
the principle of representation of all Iraqi components in management of
country and to promote the concept of citizenship to all Iraqis, we call upon the
Prime Minister Dr. Adel Abdul Mahdi to listen to voice of right and to apply
constitutional contents and urgent response to what is stated in the document of
)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
Turkmen parliamentary bloc regarding acceptance of candidate named in
Presidency of t Republic to respond promptly to what is stated in the document
of Turkmen parliamentary bloc regarding acceptance of candidate named in
the document mentioned and granted post of Vice President of Republic.
We call upon the UN Human Rights Council to consider it as an
intergovernmental body of the United Nations system composed of 47
responsible states, including Iraq, for promotion and protection of all human
rights throughout the world. To make demands of Turkmen component of
utmost importance with regard to its representation fairly according to
electoral and national entitlements as a third component according to Iraqi
Constitution, and to address the Iraqi authorities concerned with need not to
revoke the Iraqi constitution and to reject the contents contained in the
international covenants and conventions regarding non-discrimination and to
adopt the principle of equal rights and duties for all citizens of well involved,
including Iraq, in your esteemed.
We also call on the Political Bureau of United Nations Assistance Mission for
Iraq (UNAMI) in Kirkuk to advise the Iraqi authorities to abide by the
provisions of Iraqi Constitution and to fulfill Iraq’s obligations in respect of the
representation of all Iraqi components in the administration of the country,
)Memorandum of Claim Concerning (Representing Turkmen with Executive Authorities
including granting representation to the Turkmen component in all executive
We also call on the High Commission for Human Rights to play its necessary
role in addressing relevant authorities in the decision-making centers of Iraq in
order to give Turkmen their legal, constitutional, electoral and national rights
by representing them fairly in the ministerial cabinet and presidency of republic
and independent bodies.
Finally, we call on the parliamentary Human Rights Committee to address
Iraqi Parliament for purpose of calling Iraqi Prime Minister and President of
Republic to clarify the reasons for non-representation of Turkmen in Ministers
Council and Presidency of Republic.
In the case of failure to respond to our legitimate demands, we at (The Castle
Human Rights Organization) reserve our constitutional right to hold peaceful
demonstrations and sit-ins and even to resort to international courts until we
achieve our just demands listed above

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