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Addressing UNESCO and the European Union about the discrimination against the Turkmen language and the Iraqi Turkmen heritage regarding Erbil Castle(Citadel)

Based on the appeals we received from the Turkmen of Erbil and other Iraqi Turkmen, a telegram was sent to UNESCO and the European Union.

To : UNESCO /EU office in Iraq


UNESCO Headquarters

7, place de Fontenoy

75352 Paris 07 SP, France

Dear UNESCO Representative,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Iraqi Turkmen community, a vital ethnic group with a profound historical connection to the Erbil Citadel, a landmark that embodies the diverse cultural fabric of Iraq.

The Erbil Citadel has been a focal point of history, culture, and civilization for millennia. Historical studies and archaeological findings suggest significant Turkmen influence and presence in its establishment and development. Despite this, the Turkmen language and culture are currently underrepresented in the informational materials and narratives presented at the citadel.

As the Erbil Citadel’s development programs are being generously supported by the European Union, we believe there is a crucial opportunity to rectify this oversight. The inclusion of the Turkmen language in the Citadel’s displays and educational materials would not only correct a historical oversight but also enrich the visitor experience, showcasing the true multicultural heritage of the region.

We respectfully request UNESCO’s support in advocating for the integration of Turkmen heritage into the narrative of the Erbil Citadel. Such an initiative would align with UNESCO’s mission to promote cultural diversity and mutual understanding among communities.

We are hopeful for your positive response and are willing to engage in further dialogue to discuss how we can collaboratively work towards this goal. Thank you for considering our request to help us preserve and celebrate our rich cultural heritage at the Erbil Citadel.

Enclosed : Pictures

Yours sincerely,

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