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Al Salihi: We will open files of the arrests, assassinations andviolations in Kirkuk in the previous period

The head of the Turkmen Front Representative Arshad Al-Salhi through the program
“dialogue of 9 ” at channel “Hona Baghdad –Her is Baghdad” pointed out at the
international conspiracies woven in Iraq to transfer the terrorist conflict to its territory.
And said that ethnicity conflict is the style of terrorist groups to inflame the situation,
adding that foreign agendas benefited from the crises of Kurdistan with Baghdad.
Al-Salhi said in response to a question that the former head of the Kirkuk Council is still
in the run and that there is a popular and governmental will to resolve Kirkuk provincial
council, he said there is also no clarity in dissolving the local Kirkuk government. Al
Salhi added that he wants the formation of a temporary administration for Kirkuk to pass
the current situation, at the same time, he mentioned the occurrence of major abuses of
government property in Kirkuk. And said that security in Kirkuk was in the hands of the
Kurdish parties, and that Kirkuk has been subjected to a systematic campaign of financial
and administrative corruption.
He said that we would open the files of arrests, assassinations and violations in Kirkuk in
the previous period.

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