Below is the text of memorandum of claim regarding (representation ofTurkmen to the executive authorities) :“First: as: Iraq is a multi-national, religious, and doctrinal country)…
Iraqi Turkmen Aspect - المنظور التركماني
Tuz Khurmatu is the first Turkmen area to have been subjected to terrorism and has lostits young people, women and children, the President of Iraqi…
Under the theme “Turkmen literature, the title of our civilization”, the Iraqi TurkmenLiterary Organization, in coordination with the Turkmen civil society organizations,organized a cultural festival…
Despite the enforcement of the law in the province of Kirkuk by the Iraqi governmentand the elimination of all the justifications by the separatists, there…
The Turkmen Representative and the decision maker of the Iraqi parliament, confirmedon Monday the rejection of the Federal Court, the appeal, filed by the representativesregarding…
Amir al-Mawla, Deputy Head of Turkmen Rescue Foundation, said that the project totransfer Tal Afar and Tuz Khurmato districts into two Turkmen provinces is a…
A member of the legal committee in the Iraqi parliament for the Turkmen Front HassanTuran asked to include the provincial elections council law No. 36…
The head of the Turkmen Front Representative Arshad Al-Salhi through the program“dialogue of 9 ” at channel “Hona Baghdad –Her is Baghdad” pointed out at…
Directorate of Kirkuk relics confirmed continuation to rehabilitate the historiccastle to be a centre of global tourism, preparing it to be included in UNESCOlist, as…
After rehabilitation of the headquarter of the Iraqiembassy in London UK, the embassy was formallyreopened by the Iraq foreign affairs minister Mr.Hoshyar Zibari with the…