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Tuz Khurmatu is the first Turkmen area exposed to terrorism

Tuz Khurmatu is the first Turkmen area to have been subjected to terrorism and has lost
its young people, women and children, the President of Iraqi Turkmen Front Arshad AlSalhi, addressed to the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in
Iraq Jan Kubis on Friday. He called upon the human rights organizations to visit the
region and identify the problems that the Turkmen people had been subjected to in the
area, such as killings, kidnappings and destruction of their roles, highlighting
the importance of the provision of protection and security for Turkmen in parts of Diyala.
Al-Salhi stressed the need to form a temporary administration for the Turkmen in Kirkuk
until the local elections are held and to also tie the views together of the partners in
dialogue sponsored by the central Iraqi government with the participation of the United
Nations.The President of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Arshad Al-Salhi announced, on Friday
(October 20, 2017), the existence of several options to manage the province of Kirkuk in
the future, while demanding that the new Governor must be Turkmen

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